Silesian Mist

(Composed and arranged by Reynold D. Philipsek copyright 2010 Zino-Rephi Music BMI)

Guitars and mandolin-Reynold
Percussion-Michael Bissonnette
Acoustic bass-Matt Senjem
Recorded by Stymie Seamans

This may be hard to believe but this song is (year after year) the second most downloaded tune of mine after “Butterfly” (followed by “Beatnik Pie” and “Sans Souci”).

There are four recorded versions out there: this one, a solo guitar version, a version with Clint Hoover on harmonica, and a Sidewalk Cafe version with Jeff Brueske and violinist Gary Schulte.

My ancestors emanate from the eastern side of Europe. My prominent paternal ancestry comes from the Slavic side of Silesia.

Years ago I came up with this tune and while I like the 11/4 vamp and its general tonality, it probably leans a little further East than my heritage warrants but that groove feels so good to me. It is a sort of “Western Raga.”

This is a tune we nearly always do in live performances. In fact, both small groups I perform with East Side and Sidewalk Cafe play this one. This recording is the present performing trio of East Side.

I hope it brings a little cheer to you all.

Be kind.