When you have been at something as long as I have you come to a point where you begin to closely scrutinize what, if any, impact your life’s vocation has had on the world at large. I began playing guitar at the age of eight. I joined the Musician’s Union at age fourteen when I commenced playing professionally. So I have been at this endeavor for a good long time. I have written about 235 songs and recorded nearly all of them as my discography can attest to. Still, it is only prudent to take an honest look at your life and work.
I have done my best. That is something I am quite certain of and I still have the desire to do better. Luckily I am in a profession where people give you an immediate feedback. How fortunate are the performers of any art where an audience actually applauds your efforts.
As long as I can produce smiles and appreciation I will continue.